Plant trees with confidence

We’ve partnered with the NGO, Eden Reforestation Projects, the world's leading tree project provider to enable you to plant trees with each purchase on your store for just $0.19 per tree.


Why Plant Trees?

It’s good for the planet and it's good for business too, but let's be clear about why.

Tree planting offers huge potential for capturing CO2, improving ecosystems and providing employment to local communities
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But trees have to grow and mature to maximise their impact
NOT that they magically make your products carbon neutral, that’s greenwashing and customers rightly won't forgive you for it.
BUT there is a powerful sustainability message there if you’re clear about why… paying it forward.
PLUS, survey after survey increasingly shows brands committed to sustainability attract and retain more customers
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How it works 

1. Connect your store in less than three minutes using our website or any of our approved platform integrations. 

2. Configure your subscription as a percentage of sales (For example, you can say 2% of all sales goes towards planting trees) or plant a set number of trees per order. 

S2Z live widget to share number of trees planted

Share Your Impact 

Add our live widget to your website and showcase the real time number of trees you have planted on behalf of your customers' purchases.  This powerful visual lets your customers see your commitment to sustainability – and it can boost your sales funnel too!

We'll also equip you with a badge for your checkout, plus pre-built marketing materials to shout about your impact.

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Third-Party Verification 

To address consumers' fears of 'Greenwashing' and reinforce your brand's positivity, we provide a free 3rd party verification email to your customers, which also contains a link to our platform where customers are free to explore details of the reforestation projects supported. 


We’ve got everything you need to quickly and easily onboard Switch2Zero to your online store.

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Looking for another solution 

1. Earth-Positive Work Force - Pay a monthly subscription for a pre-built plan that offsets each employee's emissions to create an earth-positive workforce and get shareable assets to engage your team and customers. Learn More 

2. INDIVIDUAL SOLUTION - Choose from pre-built plans that help you plant trees, collect plastic waste, and fund verified carbon offset projects for you and your family. Learn More

Contact us

Want to talk it through? Leave your contact details and a member of the team will be in touch shortly.