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Achieve Carbon Neutral Deliveries

The future of haulage is electric and hydrogen-powered, but these technologies are still emerging.  In the meantime, consumers and clients are demanding sustainable options right now. 

At Switch2Zero, we understand this urgency and offer a practical and super-affordable solution to help you achieve immediate carbon neutrality for your fleet.


Why Go Carbon Neutral?


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Attract New Clients:

88% of consumers (and the businesses that serve them) prefer companies that prioritise sustainability. Showcase your commitment to the environment and win eco-conscious clients.

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Boost Brand Image:

92% of consumers trust socially responsible brands. Become a sustainability leader in the transport industry.

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Stay Ahead of Regulations:

Proactive environmental action demonstrates your commitment to a sustainable future, helping you avoid future regulation headaches.

How Switch2Zero Makes it Easy

Our easy-to-use calculator shows you exactly what emissions your fleet - whether one vehicle or hundreds - gives off and empowers you with solutions to minimise these.

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How it works:

Step 1

Simple Calculation

Enter your vehicle make, model, and mileage for an accurate CO2e emissions footprint based on official government data.
Step 2

Transparent Offsetting

Choose the vehicles you want to offset and download a unique badge with a QR code for each.
Step 3

Verification at Your Fingertips

When scanned, the QR code leads to a verification page proving your commitment to carbon neutrality.
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Fleet Management Made Easy

Manage your entire fleet's carbon offsetting program in one place.
Ford Transit Offset badge and verification with Switch2zero

Trusted Offsets & Complete Transparency

  • We use only UN and Gold Standard verified offset projects at a competitive price of £5.50 per tonne CO2e - so you can be sure your investment in offsetting IS making a difference.

  • An impact statement details a breakdown of the location, type  and cost of the offset projects you’ve invested in.

  • Our public ledger showcases every transaction, with retirement certificates and proof of payment for complete peace of mind.

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Showcase Your Sustainability Credentials

  • Now you’re making a difference, it’s time to shout about it. 

  • With S2Z’s ready-to-go, and constantly refreshed, social assets and marketing collateral - made specifically for your business - you can tell the world about the change you are driving, with just a couple of clicks. 


Chat to our team

Learn how carbon neutral deliveries can elevate your brand and win over customers.

Book a live demo

Dive in to the platform, preview the verification badges and marketing material

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