What is Switch2Zero Instant? 

A 'pay-as-you-go' net zero solution — you can choose to offset your carbon footprint, plant trees for the future, or remove plastic waste from global ecosystems—all tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

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Plant trees

Tree planting is about paying something forward for the future. We partner with Eden Reforestation Projects and Trees for the Future, who create thousands of jobs through extensive reforestation across Africa, Asia, and South America- improving communities and sequestering CO2 in the long term.

Carbon Offset

Offsetting helps you counter your current footprint, while you work to reduce it. We only work with UN and Gold Standard programmes to ensure the action you are taking results in real action on the ground.

Plastic Waste removal

Plastic pollution is causing long-term ecosystem damage across the planet. Show you are a responsible business by helping remove this from our environment - making the world a better place for generations to come.

Why Switch2Zero Instant?

Take climate action how and when you want - easy, affordable, impact. 

Make an instant carbon offset via Switch2Zero Instant purchase


Reduce your footprint, create instant sustainable impact and help build a greener world for tomorrow in just a few clicks. Choose from a combination of carbon offsetting, tree planting, or plastic removal—no forms, no hidden costs—just a hassle-free service with certified results.

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You’re in full control of the cost with our pay-as-you-go solution - deciding the impact and expenditure that fits you best. It's a flexible, affordable, and verified solution: you tell us how much you want,, and we’ll do the rest. 

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Drive real environmental change via our internationally recognised partners, and track your progress to see your impact. Better still - watch your impact grow and easily share it with others with every investment you make in a better tomorrow.

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How it works

Complete your purchase in  a few easy steps


  • Firstly, decide on the impact you want to make - offsetting something in particular like a transatlantic flight or paying something forward for the future with tree-planting or plastic removal. 

  • Secondly, create an account in just a few seconds - so your contribution is not lost!

  • Thirdly, pay for your choices. And that’s it - three steps to being instantly more sustainable.

Impact dashboard

Track your ongoing impact

One dashboard that captures all your impact. 


  • Every time you make an instant purchase, the quantity of each item is added to your previous purchases with us, including your subscriptions.

  • These cumulative numbers are displayed in your My Impact dashboard. All your purchases, actions and impact are captured in one place. 

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Share your contribution

Inspire others with the impact you're making.


  • Every S2Z instant purchase earns you a certificate, validating your contribution.

  • Additionally, enjoy attractive, personalised badges that can be effortlessly shared across social media platforms.

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